Tuesday, February 27, 2001

Waited Too Long

I'm tired of getting another heartbreak
My love has been true even though you forsake
My feelings and devotion and loyalty to you
While I wait in the hopes that my love will break through

Although I want to know the truth I'm not sure I can accept
The brutal honesty of your feelings toward me except
I can't wait forever while I deceive myself
Hoping one day you'll want me for yourself

My desire for you is strong but I'm not going to force
You to love me; it's like beating a dead horse
I don't think you realize just what you'll be missing
But I've got to get over you; I've got to stop wishing

In order to move on my feelings for you must die
Can't believe I waited this long, but now I know why
I'm going to redirect my life and get you out of my view
One day, I'll wake up ... and I'll be over you

(c) Michelle Mundling
February 2001