Sunday, November 14, 1999

It's All An Act

It's all an act and you've been busted
The betrayal we feel because we trusted
You and your lies is beyond all belief
Now you'll be alone to suffer your own grief
When are you going to turn your life around?
Pick yourself up off the ground!
You mouthed too much and provoked our hate
Actions ... not words have determined your fate
We cared about you but we refuse to play
Into your schemes so you can get your way
Your "poor pity me" act is wearing thin
Don't play with us; you're not going to win
Stealing or lying, you see no wrong
In twisting the facts to string us along
You need money, or you need a favor as a friend
When it comes to your laziness there is no end
What's it going to take? Time in jail?
Or get caught in danger than you cannot bail?
You think you got your act perfected to an art
Your luck is running out; you're not that smart
Your telling us that you're so distressed
Going so far to claim that you're depressed
But all we see in your situation
Is your attempt at verbal manipulation
It's all an act and you should have known
You behaved like a jerk, and now you're alone
Do you feel remorse? Have you learned anything?
Because of your selfishness, you lost everything!
(c) Michelle Mundling
November 1999