Monday, October 25, 1999

Priceless Friends

So many definitions of the word "friend"
Countless examples that will never end
A friend to me is someone so true
Accepts you as you are, who believes in you

Those who call just to say "hi"
You miss them like crazy when they say "goodbye"
The ones who visit ... you know they feel
Your love for them is genuinely real

The kind of friends you spend time with
Giving each other an emotional lift
Mo matter the place or time of day
The friend you're with makes it okay

They give you hugs to show their support
When you suffer the trials of life's traffic court
They know you'd do the same for them
Because your bond is as priceless as a gem

Your friendship and love means so much to me
I consider you all like my family
This poem is your tribute, you may have guessed
With friends like you, I am truly blessed

(c) Michelle Mundling
October 1999