Sunday, March 14, 1999

Dear Friend

Dear friend, I see you crying over your loss
Can I listen to your woes of pain?
You feel everyone's turned against you
Now you feel persecution and shame

For believing in those who betrayed your trust
And now are laughing in your face
Dear friend, how can you feel you're wrong
When their actions are that of disgrace?

Dear friend, I know you feel your loss is great
You mourn for what you thought was there
You were lead to believe in a friendship not solid
Grasping for nothing but dead air

Dear friend, you mourn for what is really a ghost
A phantom of lies, a snake of deception
That slithered into your life without mercy
Manipulating you to submit to its reception

Dear friend, please take my hand
And let me lead you out of your sadness
You now see them for what they really are
Distance yourself from their madness

They fear and distrust what they don't understand
Which is why they try to hurt you
Double faced exposures reveal the truth to all
As pathetic losers not worthy of you

Dear friend, you have so much to give
You try to see the best in all you meet
You accept their faults and feelings and opinions
You respect their privacy and remain discreet

Dear friend, let us leave this forsaken place
And with happiness resume your life anew
Be true to yourself and remain as you are
Because no one is better than you

(c) Michelle Mundling
March 1999