Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I Believe In You

If you put your dreams
Upon a dusty shelf
Because you lost faith
You didn't believe in yourself

Maybe you were discouraged
By people who were cruel
Who said you couldn't make it
Don't be the naysayers' fool

Dreams can come true
Though some will never get it
Because a neglected dream will die
But only if you let it

Anything is possible
If you put your mind to it
It takes hard work and practice
You've just got to do it

You have to want it enough
Earned with sweat, aches, and tears
It may take days, it may take months
It may take several years

It's not going to be easy
At times it may be hard
But the bigger you put forth the effort
The bigger the reap the reward

Don't worry about your challenges
Or what people see in you
You're not alone in your journey
Because I believe in you

When you finally make your mark
And success is in the air
Please know this poem was written
To let you know I care

(c) Michelle Mundling
August 2006