Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Visible Christian

You think you're on some holy mission
By telling everyone you're a good Christian
Trying to save souls? Not with that attitude!
You're pretending to be nice but instead you're rude

It's all I can do to try to get along
With someone who thinks (s)he can never do wrong
I'm not perfect; I never claimed to be
So I don't appreciate your chastising me

You're quick to tell me my actions are bad
Detailing my faults with a myriad
Of various quotes from the holy bible
*Nagging me about how I'm so liable

Judge not lest ye be judged
Yet your opinion of yourself won't be budged
Focusing on someone else's splintered eye
While blinded by the plank in both your eyes

You're not my dad, you're not my mother
You say one thing then do the other
Actions speak louder than words, your deeds
Only satisfy your insecure needs

You're what they call a visible Christian
Hurting fellow lambs by your imposition
Soiling the glorious testimony of others
Making it harder for your sisters and brothers

Are you that arrogant, or haven't you heard
We're all trying to live by His holy word
Living by example speaks loudest to all
But you're setting yourself up for a humiliating fall

So tell me, what would Jesus do?
I don't think He'd be acting like you
Spare me from your saving "grace"
Until you clean up your act, get out of my face

Michelle Mundling
March 2005

*With thanks to Debra Thomas for bringing to my attention an inappropriate verse in the original publication. It has been modified to rectify the situation.