Sunday, May 06, 2001

Sidewalk Monitors

The sidewalk monitors are a special breed
They're nosy and they like to lurk
Or they stand around outside their offices
As if they have nothing better to do at work

Another person's business is their topic of choice
The victim is someone not in their clique
The things they have to say about others
Is so rampant and untrue that it will make you sick

"They went elsewhere for lunch, they're snubbing the boss"
"Look out for so-and-so; she's a snitch"
"She gets the best assignments because they used to date"
"Have you heard about her? She's a practicing witch."

"New clothes, new car, he's flirting with the new girl,
Trying to impress her and make goo goo eyes"
With the new sexual harassment laws in place
An innocent man can lose his job because of those lies

Their idle chatter is not being productive
All they're doing is making things rough
For other workers trying to do their job
We're all sick of it! Enough is enough!

So to all you "monitors" aka "gossipers"
It's time for you to get a life and grow up
You're not getting paid to talk about your fellow workers
So get back to work, mind your own business, and SHUT UP!!

(c) Michelle Mundling
May 2001