Thursday, May 20, 1999

My Beloved Jimmy

This poem was written for a friend of mine

Each day when I pass the lake you took my kids to fish
I still remember my thanks to God for fulfilling my heartfelt wish
He sent someone like you into my life to heal my heart, and then
Showed me that it was possible for me to love again

Your humor, your wit, your compassion unleashed
My love hidden away safe from harm, out of reach
Even with the ups and downs, my life was always fulfulled
Until the day a neglected tree fell and had you killed

The pain was unbearable! I couldn't believe you were gone
I wondered if I would ever have the strength to carry on
But now you are my angel, watching over me with love
I feel your presence and protection as you guide me from above

It's been a while my love since our life together ended
I still miss you so much; my heart is far from mended
To have you in my life each day was happiness renewed
I'll cherish every day we had; my dearest, I'll always love you

(c) Michelle Mundling
March 1999